Friday, October 12, 2018

Patience! Patience! Patience!

Patience. This word is the bane of my existence. “You must practice patience.” “You should be more patient.” “Patience is a virtue.” Well, anyone who knows me knows that I, without a doubt, lack this virtue. I’m sure I lack others as well, but this is the biggie that affects my life on a daily basis. I’ve never had patience. I’ve always been about the “now”, about the instant gratification, about the - let’s just get it done. This theme of patience has come up a lot recently, so instead of keeping my thoughts about it inside and bottled up, I figured I would just spill it all right here. For all of you – all, maybe, 5 of you – to see. The key areas where this is glaringly pointed for me are – parenting, work and for lack of a better term, my health journey. Ew, I just said “health journey”. And I just said “ew”.

Parenting is an obvious one, right? I mean kids try your patience on the daily. And on the weekends, it’s likely hourly. Either you’re telling them to do something and have to say it at least 10 times before it gets done or they’ve simply done something so ridiculous that you can’t help but just be frustrated and ready to lose it. My son gets so easily distracted that the idea I should have patience around him is absurd. “Male child- go upstairs, get changed and make your bed.” This seems like a simple set of tasks, one would think. However, when you wonder where the kid is 15 minutes later and have no choice but to go check on him – he has one pant leg on and is literally rolling around on the floor with a stuffed animal. Um, hello! How is one supposed to be patient around this nonsense? “Female child – please go clean your room.” Simple. Five minutes later she’s done. Um, really? No way. So I go upstairs to check – blankets on the floor, piles of crap under her desk, things spilling out of her closet. Apparently you need to create an actual diagram of what “clean” looks like because just saying “clean your room” means different things to different people. Wonderful. My husband and I joke that we shouldn’t have had kids because we have zero patience. Well, it’s a little late for that now. Hindsight, as they say.

Work, work, work. As much as things evolve they always stay the same. This is where I am right now with work. I’m climbing the walls for a change, and yet here I sit. In the same spot. Is this for lack of trying hard enough? Maybe. Is it for lack of opportunity? Possibly. But ultimately when you really feel like you are reaching out for a change and nothing comes, how can it not be frustrating? And yes, I realize in my logical, adult brain that things don’t happen instantly and I am supposed to be patient, but as I’ve said before – I suck at practicing this. So what does one do? I vent. I stew. I vent some more. (Thank you to my wonderful friends that listen to my venting and stewing.) Naturally. This is me. I’m not perfect, I never purported to be perfect. I’m human. And this human lacks patience. Patience can bite my ass.

My health journey. Again, ew. But whatever you want to call it – fitness, nutrition, wellness, an overall healthy lifestyle. All of these things I have struggled with forever. But for the last few months, in this space, I have been doing the most “patience practicing” I’ve ever done in my life. I’m working with a nutrition coach who tells me on a weekly basis that this process takes patience. And I really do love working with her so I kindly remind her that this is extremely difficult for me to do, and because she’s an empath, she hasn’t fired me as a client – yet. I realized that the rollercoaster I have been on for my whole life has ultimately really damaged my metabolism. Oh, so you mean eating 1,200 – 1,300 calories during the week and then adding another thousand calories on the weekend WON’T help me reach my goals? Shut up. More on that another time. Ultimately, she is helping me learn to feed myself properly and is teaching me strategies and for once I am focusing on the steps to get to my goal as opposed to just the goal itself. This has been going on for almost three months, with basically no “visual” physical change. Never have I been so focused on something that has yielded such little outward, noticeable change. And it kind of feels good. It’s also really hard for me. And sometimes I don’t want to keep it up, I want the change now, one way or another. Sometimes I can’t be patient, sometimes I take two steps back. But I am trying to learn to go easy on myself. To be, dare I say, patient with myself.

And as an aside, I find it funny that people make assumptions that one has patience. For instance, when you’re on a plane and the pilot says you’re number 20 for take-off or that the flight time has been delayed. They always end this delivery of oh so fun news with – “Thank you for your patience.” I find it odd that this assumption is made. I’m actually a captive on this plane. I do not have patience, I simply do not have a choice. I can sit and calmly wait or I can get arrested. But thank you for assuming I’m a patient person.

What does this all mean? I don’t know. It means I hate the word patience! It also means I realize I need to have at least some of it if I want to reduce stress levels and live a bit more of a relaxed life. I try to better myself where I can. The patience I have been using in my path to wellness sometimes bleeds into other parts of my life, but it is really difficult. And it’s not all that fun at times. I’m 43 years old and I’m still learning things about myself so I guess that’s a good thing. There is always room for growth right? I hope no one expects a miracle though. I hear those take patience as well.

What is YOUR patience level like??

Thanks for reading!
Peace. Love. And sanity.


1 comment:

  1. I have almost none...but you probably already know that. Some people have said I’m extremely patient, but if you ask my family they’d laugh you into the next century. I’m also right there with you on the health journey front. Things aren’t happening quickly enough and I’m ready for a big fat burger, fries and a beer. Love you and miss you. Somehow, we’ll figure it out!
